Как выбрать светильники для выращивания растений?

Как выбрать светильники для выращивания растений?

Растение растет свет

Don’t worry if you’re new to the world of plant grow lights and feeling overwhelmed . This post will walk you through the process of selecting the plant grow light that best suits your requirements . You can save time and money while assuring the highest crop quality by following these tips .

What to Consider When Buying Plant Grow Lights ?

Type of Plant Grow Lights

While LED lights have become the mainstream choice for plant growth , other types of grow lights still have their place in specific environments .

Лампы накаливания

Incandescent lights are relatively cheap but not efficient for plant growth . They convert a large amount of energy into heat , which is wasted as plants cannot absorb it . Таким образом, в долгосрочной перспективе, the cost of using incandescent lights becomes higher compared with other types of grow lights . Their light output is also limited , making them suitable only for small-scale plant cultivation . For larger gardens or plantations , other types of grow lights will be more suitable .

Люминесцентные лампы

Fluorescent grow lights have low light output , which limits their effectiveness in promoting plant growth . They can be useful for plants in the early stages , such as seeds or seedlings , but once plants develop larger leaves that require more energy , the light produced by fluorescent lamps may not effectively support photosynthesis . Однако, for plants with low photosynthetic demands , fluorescent lights can be a reasonable choice .

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The HID lights have high light efficiency and provide intense light when turned on , but they are relatively expensive . The commonly used HID bulb types include mercury vapor lamps , low-pressure sodium lamps , металлогалогенные лампы, и натриевые лампы высокого давления. High-pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps are more popular due to their cost-effectiveness and efficiency . Using 260-watt HID lights per square meter can promote rapid plant growth . HID lights are available in various wattages , такой как 1000 watts suitable for 4.5 квадратные метры, и 400 watts suitable for 1.4 square meters of indoor plant cultivation .

  • High-pressure sodium lamps produce a reddish-orange light that promotes flowering in plants . They have a longer lifespan compared with metal halide lamps . high-pressure sodium lamps alone may cause plants to grow slender and have growth deficiencies due to their lack of blue light . Следовательно, when using high-pressure sodium lamps as the primary light source for crop growth , it is beneficial to supplement them with other types of grow lights to provide a more comprehensive spectrum of light .
  • Metal halide lamps emit a blue-white light that promotes the growth of green leaves . They provide a broader spectrum of light necessary for plant growth . Однако, after approximately 10,000 hours of use , the light quality of metal halide lamps diminishes , so it is recommended to replace them at this point to maintain optimal results .

Светодиодные светильники

Светодиодные светильники

LED lighting technology has garnered significant attention and investment from companies and research institutions in recent years , as it is considered the ideal lighting technology for the future . They are highly suitable for plant growth due to their customizable nature . They can be adjusted to produce full-spectrum or single-spectrum light based on the specific needs of plants . This flexibility in the light spectrum enhances photosynthesis , improves light utilization , and can even manipulate flowering and fruiting processes to achieve desired growth outcomes .

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In comparison to other light sources , LED lights are more energy-effective and eco-friendly . They generate less heat while providing intense light intensity . The reduced heat production allows the lights to be put closer to crops without the danger of burning them , ensuring better light absorption and further improving efficiency .

Кроме того, the lifespan of LED lights is much longer than HID lamps . An average Светодиодный светильник MOKOLight для выращивания растений has a lifespan of 50,000 часы, whereas a high-pressure sodium lamp in HID lighting typically lasts only 3,000 часы.

Although HID lamps have a lower upfront cost , they emit less light and generate more heat . Поэтому, when plants absorb the same amount of light , HID lamps consume more power . When considering overall costs , the expense of LED lights is significantly lower than HID lights . Кроме, LED lights are compact , stable , and adaptable to various lighting requirements .

When purchasing grow lights , it is essential to consider factors beyond the selling price . Parameters such as lifespan , спектр, and power consumption should be evaluated , along with usage costs and depreciation rates .

Your Crop Needs

Having a clear plan for the crops you intend to grow in advance simplifies decision-making when it comes to selecting appropriate lighting . Understanding the crop types and quantities will help determine the required intensity , спектр, coverage , and bulb type for your plants . Knowing the crop type is crucial as it directly influences the lighting needs . Например, if you focus on cultivating microgreens , your lighting requirements will differ significantly from growing flowers . This distinction arises from the fact that plants have varying lighting needs at different stages of growth .


Having a predetermined budget in mind before embarking on your shopping journey can simplify the process by allowing you to eliminate certain options from the outset . When planning your budget , take into account your desired energy expenses and the amount of light required . The wattage of the chosen bulbs directly impacts your energy expenses . If you have a small-scale operation with only a few plants , energy costs may not be a significant concern . Однако, for commercial-scale farmers , opting for high-efficiency lights becomes crucial since these lights will be in use for at least 12 hours daily , resulting in substantial energy consumption .

Свет Спектр

Light is available in various colors , known as the спектр. Plants primarily utilize красный и синий свет, as well as a tiny quantity of yellow and зеленый свет. Blue light is crucial during vegetative stages to promote leaf and root development , while red light plays a significant role in flower and fruit production .

There are two types of grow lights : targeted spectrum and полный спектр. Targeted spectrum lights produce a specific color , such as red or blue light , making them suitable for specific growth stages of plants . С другой стороны, full-spectrum bulbs mimic natural sunlight and cover all stages of plant growth . Кроме того, full-spectrum bulbs emit white light , which is easier for humans to perceive .

Some targeted spectrum lights are equipped with a color-switching feature , allowing them to be used for different growth stages . In the case of growing microgreens , full-spectrum light is unnecessary as these plants require more blue light for optimal growth .

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Свет Intensity

It is a crucial factor because you need to ensure that the light can emit the appropriate amount of light for your plants at every growth stage . The higher the intensity of a grow light , the greater the distance it can be placed from the plants to lessen the risk of heat , which trigger burns . To determine if the intensity is suitable for your desired coverage area , it is advisable to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations .

Manufacturers typically provide an estimated coverage area for their grow lights . Однако, if you aim for optimal results , you should take additional steps . Look at the photosynthetic photon flux density (ППФД). This measurement represents the average density of the total light output and indicates the intensity of the light in a specific area .

Light intensity is highest at the center point and gradually diminishes as you move away from that point . To assess the distribution of light intensity , refer to the photosynthetic active radiation (номинальная стоимость) chart provided by the manufacturer . The PAR chart illustrates the distribution of the light’s PPFD across an area . The intensity will be highest in the middle , lower at the edges , and lowest in the corners . Идеально, you should aim for a grow light with a relatively low PPFD and an even distribution , as indicated in the PAR chart .


After narrowing down your list of potential grow lights , you should determine how many lights you will need to purchase based on your grow space . Measure your grow space to determine its area in square feet . 20 к 40 watts of coverage per square foot are often advised . Take the wattage of one of the potential grow lights and divide it by 20 to find the lowest area in square feet that the bulb will cover . Divide the wattage by 40 to find the highest area it can cover . Например, if you have a 2,000-watt bulb , it can light between 50 и 100 square feet of your grow space .

Кроме того, for more accurate coverage , match the results from the PAR chart ( indicating light intensity distribution ) with your grow space . Suppose the PAR chart shows fairly uniform density until it reaches a 16-square-foot area . To light a 96-square-foot grow space with that bulb , вам понадобится 6 из них. Unless you are only growing a few plants , it is recommended to purchase multiple lights rather than one large light to ensure full coverage and even intensity distribution .

Height and Mobility

Before purchasing grow lights , it’s vital to consider the distance between the lights and your plants , as well as the level of adjustability and mobility you desire . Many grow lights offer adjustable features that allow you to maintain a consistent distance between the light and your plants as they grow . Например, the light can be positioned closer to the plants during the sprouting stage and then raised higher as the plants mature . When selecting a grow light , ensure that it either comes with this adjustable function This is particularly important if you are growing taller crops that require more vertical space .

It’s crucial to keep the heat generated by the bulb in mind . As the bulb gets hotter , you’ll want to maintain a greater distance between the light and your plants to avoid any heat-related damage . If adjusting the distance interferes with the desired intensity and wattage levels , you may need to explore alternative grow lights that can better meet your requirements .

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Recommendations for Purchasers of Household Plant Grow Lights

When it comes to household or amateur growers who require supplementary lighting , the primary consideration is light efficiency . Since they typically use a single grow lamp instead of a larger setup , it is important to choose a grow light that maximizes the light output while minimizing energy consumption and optimizing irradiation .

For home buyers , the following factors should be taken into account :

High L ночь Эффективность

Opt for a grow light that has high light efficiency . This means that it produces more light and less heat for the same power . This type of lighting effect not only enhances plant growth but also saves energy .

Uniform Lighting

Ensure that the grow light provides uniform lighting . When the light emitted is evenly distributed , it promotes consistent and healthier plant growth , preventing any irregular or abnormal growth patterns .

Reasonable Spectrum Ratio

Consider the specific light spectrum requirements of your plants . Different plants respond differently to light spectrums , with some favoring red light , others benefiting from blue light , and some requiring a combination of both . An appropriate spectrum ratio is crucial to avoid wasting energy and potentially hindering plant growth . If you are uncertain about the ideal spectrum ratio , it is advisable to choose a full-spectrum grow light .

Recommendations for Professional Growers

As a professional grower , it is crucial to exercise caution when selecting LED grow lights . Choosing the right grow lights is essential for achieving optimal crop growth , as a poor choice can have a negative impact and even inhibit plant development . To ensure success , the following key points should be considered :

Select Plant Grow Lights with a Suitable Spectrum

Different crops have varying light requirements based on their growth conditions . Collect data regarding the light needs of your specific plants and choose the grow light accordingly . This will help maximize the emitted light energy and cater to the specific needs of your crops .

Plan the Arrangement of Plant Grow Lights Thoughtfully

Consider factors such as plantation area , grow light types , власть, irradiation area , and heat generation . Arrange the grow lights in a manner that optimizes their effectiveness . This involves finding the right density of grow lights and determining the appropriate distance between the lights and the crops . A well-designed layout ensures that plants receive sufficient light while minimizing the number of grow lights required , thus reducing the cost of purchasing lights and energy consumption .

Estimate the Cost of Supplementary Lighting

The decision to invest in grow lights is driven by the goal of achieving better profitability . It is essential to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of installing grow lights . Consider factors such as the lifespan , light efficiency , энергопотребление, and price of the grow lights . Assess the overall purchase cost and operational expenses , taking into account the expected crop yield . This comprehensive evaluation will help make an informed purchasing decision .

By carefully considering these factors , professional growers can choose the most suitable LED grow lights that meet the specific light requirements of their crops , optimize growth conditions , and ensure cost-effective implementation .

LED Plant Grow Lights Portfolio at Mokolight

Портфолио светодиодного освещения для садоводства в Mokolight

Моколайт places a significant emphasis on plant grow lights due to their ability to promote healthy plant growth , даже в ненастную погоду или темную зиму. We ensure that our LEDs are designed with adjustable spectrum , интенсивность, and height . Более того, our LED lights have gained ROHS , UL, and IPC certifications . Для получения дополнительной информации или поддержки, пожалуйста связаться с нами.
